
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

There's Zach...and then there's Zeus

Lately I've been noticing that the people that I feel R closest 2 me have a difficult time trying 2 figure who I really am. Most people just think that I'm moody but as a Sociology major I think it's because I move seamlessly swing between the opposite ends of the spectrum of my personality in order 2 adapt 2 the present environment. It's gotten 2 the point where each end of the spectrum has different names. I don't have a multiple personality disorder or anything like that but I think over the years I've developed an alter ego, 4 lack of a better word.

There's Zach (which is my real name)

Now, this is who I really am

-Deeply Caring
-A little
-Fiercely Independent
-Kind hearted
-A little quirky

...And then there's Zeus

-Cold-hearted at times
-Big Partyer
-Ladies Man
-A bit of a people pleaser

Now at 1st the whole Zeus thing was just a nickname I had gotten in middle school that just stuck with me through the years. I would say that around my junior year in high school is when a persona actually started 2 develop behind the name. As a football player I really started 2 become more social and more involved in the whole popularity thing...and as a result I kinda let it get 2 my head and I started behaving in a way that I thought others would approve of or expected of me instead of following my own quirky and unique way.

It's gotten 2 the point most people don't even know the real Zach when they see it. Only the people that have been around me for years have actually been able 2 tell the difference because they R the few that have caught a glimpse of who I am inside instead of this facade of bravado and fashion that is Zeus.

2 be honest I've let this whole thing fester into my college years. It's not as bad as it was in high school but it's something I need 2 work on...SERIOUSLY!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Naw fam...i'm good

I few days ago while I was back in I was given a proposition that I found 2 be odd. Not because of what the propostion was but because of the circumstances surrounding it. A certain young lady who I talked 2/dated off and on throughout my last 2 years of high school wanted 2 see if we could rekindle what we once had after her finding out I was back on the market. And NO this is not the crazy

The really doesnt sound 2 odd at 1st glance. Anyways, anybody who's knows me or has read my blog already knows that this would be a resounding NO!!! What we had back in the day was cool but I just don't see it working out now. It's not just because of the recent happenings in the past few months, because that already seals the deal. THE major reason that I would say no is due 2 the fact that she recently just had a child.

Now keep in mind that I'm just 20 year old college student trying 2 support myself 4 the 1st time. I can barely take care of my damn self, let alone a child, especially 1 that ain't mine. Plus I'm not even trying 2 take of any children 'til I hit about 27 or 28 when I start having my own.

I know my opinion sounds harsh but that was really a dealbreaker 4 me. Even if she didn't have a child I still couldn't do it. I got 2 much business 2 handle 2 be worrying about keeping somebody happy. The ONLY woman that I need 2 worry about is LaWanda Ann.

IDK...we'll always be cool but I just can't see myself playing daddy anytime soon.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Could You Date An Atheist?

“I’m an atheist.” She said it so nonchalantly. As if it was the most common thing in the world. Yeah, I’ve heard the word thrown out there before, but I never really thought about what it meant. Until now.

By definition, atheist describes a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. Basically, he or she doesn’t believe in God. Not Jesus. Not Allah. Not Buddha. Not Not even the devil. Atheists don’t believe in any form of Higher Power whatsoever—good or bad. Life is just what it is and we exist by pure happenstance. It’s an interesting ideology 2 say the least.

2 not believe in anything at all is a completely foreign concept 2 me. I understand how blind faith doesn’t sit well with a lot of people but 2 have none at all? 2 not believe in something? Anything? Wow. That’s something else.

I’ve always wondered how someone comes 2 the decision that they’re an atheist. As children, we’re usually dragged 2 church, temple or whatever. We’re told about right and wrong. We’re taught about God’s judgment and damnation. Aspirations of heaven and the avoidance of hell are drilled in our little heads. At least that was the case 4 me.

Furthermore, ideologies about religion, God and the afterlife are the basis of our society in the States. “God bless America” is a common mantra politicians pepper their speeches with. US currency has “In God we trust” plastered across it. Basically, it’s pretty damn hard 2 avoid religion. Still, according 2 Atheist Revolution, there are an estimated 5 million atheists in America alone. That’s a lot of Godless souls.

Where do all these people come from? Do atheists marry other atheists and raise little atheist babies? Or is it just a matter of someone choosing 2 walk down his/her own path in life? The latter has got 2 be pretty hard. Not only are atheists going against the majority but they also run the risk of moral conflicts with potential mates that can’t be overlooked. People are very adamant about their beliefs. Countless wars have been waged over religion. What chance does a simple thing like love have against something that people are willing to die or kill 4?

Would you ever consider dating an atheist? What are your views on atheism? How important is someone’s religious beliefs 2 U when dating? Does your soul mate have 2 have a relationship with God? What if the love of your life decided to swear off organized religion after y’all were together—would you still be able 2 maintain a romantic relationship with them? In the event that U have a child with someone of a different religion, how would you decide what faith your offspring would follow? Could differences in faith cause you to call off a wedding? Are there any religions that clash with your own beliefs?

Deus by UVA

The exhibition contains a series of large scale backlit photographs that explore the effect of artificial light on the man-altered natural landscape. Introducing the artificial light had a transforming effect, literally creating a new place that only existed momentarily.

Family Guy, Vol. 7

Family Guy is without a doubt one of the funniest shows on the air right now hands down. Luckily 4 those of us who seem to miss it, and those of us who just want to watch them over and over again Volume 7 is finally here on DVD. $35

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The "How to Hold" Tee

The true lovers of kicks will really understand this shirt, and the logic behind it. The proper way 2 hold a sneaker is crucial 2 the sneakerhead and those around him/her, so hold kicks with caution, U have been warned.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fuckin' Austin!!!

Went back 2 the city 4 a couple days and got my damn windows shot out...FUCK!!!

They ain't even touch shit...they just shot my windows with they bitch ass!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Reebok 7 Deadly Sins Pack - Greed, Pride & Sloth Sneakers

“The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are a classification of the most objectionable vices that have been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning fallen man’s tendency to sin. They are: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride.”

Reebok premiers a new Omni Lite pack based upon the Catholic notion of “cardinal sins.” It is important 2 note that during the 14th century, much of the art during that time was based upon those ideals. Thus, it is no wonder why Reebok returns 2 this notion dictating the 7 deadly sins as these shoes display a new type of artistry updated for the 21st century.

Of the 7 scheduled releases, the 3 see an official release noted as follows: Greed (Electric Yellow), Pride (Purple), and Sloth (Azure). Each shoe is specifically paired with special lace locks and insoles representing a specific deadly sin.

All three are now available through, but stay on the lookout for more drops in August and September 2009.

The Ultimate Go-Liver

I don't even have the words 2 describe the stupidity of some shit like this...


So…. the girl above - Kimberley Vlaminck said she asked her tattoo artist 2 put 3 stars on her face, and was stunned 2 find out he had given her a total of 56 stars. Kimberley claims she fell asleep while the work was being done (which doesn’t make sense) and woke up with the left side of her face covered in stars. The tattoo artist has agreed 2 pay 4 half of the costs 2 remove the unwanted stars, but insists that she wanted 56.

56 is a random ass

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nike Holiday 2009 Auto Force 180 | OG Colorway

Here's a preview from the Nike Holiday 2009 Collection. The Auto Force is coming in numerous colorways, but this OG colorway should be 1 of the more interesting ones. Look out 4 a release later this year

Friday, June 12, 2009

Fashion Faces

“Fashion Faces” is the last project firmed by the visionary photographer Bela Borsodi.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Final Pages of This Chapter

DISCLAIMER: This is the last time that I will ever purposely mention the break-up. Most people that know me or read my blog probably go into "Aw shit, here we go again" mode and expect another sad ass "Woe is me" post about how hard it is 4 me. Believe me, this is not it. And by NO means is this post written with ANY bad intentions!!!

1st of all, I wanna apologize 2 everyone that was brought down by negativity, especially my ex. She has a myriad of things 2 handle and me wildin' out shouldn't have been 1 of them.

Anyways, of couple of days ago a decision was made that my ex and I should stop all communication in order 2 fully break things off. As usual, I was hit with the familiar pangs of hurt. But something different happened after about 10 minutes. It finally hit me like, "Damn bro, it's really over. Now stop bitchin' about it and get over it!!!" When that thought hit me, I was kind of embarrassed 4 the way that I had been handling things earlier. I had really been actin' like a damn fool!!!

Whenever we get back on speaking terms, hopefully we can get back 2 how we were b4 the relationship thing happened because all that drama and emotion got old really fast. There's no doubt that I'll think about it every now and again but that's old news now. It's time 4 me 2 establish myself in this world and begin the journey 2 do what GOD has planned 4 me.

I just have 2 take this whole situation 4 what it was: a brief, but significant chapter in the story that is my life. It was filled with a lot of good memories, a couple bad ones, and a lot of lessons learned.

Now I can finally turn the page :-)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Body Types

Everyone has specific preferences for members of the opposite sex; eyes, lips, feet, hair, legs.

I have preferences as well, especially in the body dept...I love chicks that R thick AND athletic. IDK what it is but that shit just does it 4's something about a girl has ass and some tones 2 with it.
And look @ me, I'm a solid 6'1", 240...what do I look like with a chick that's just skin and bones???

I like thick chicks in general but the ones that R athletic always catch my attention 1st.
They catch my attention 1st because most of time being or looking athletic means that U work out and will continue 2 work out. That's good 4 the future because unlike some chicks that R just thick, ur ass won't be touching the back of ur knees by the time U reach 40.


Man, yesterday i got SO close 2 goin' off on my damn boss!!! She caught herself tryna put me on blast yesterday in front of all the customers because she thought I was standing there doin' nothin'.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Man Crush: Melyssa Ford

No further explantion needed...lmao


Artist and art director Yuki Chong of Singapore studio Creamy Visual Communications created this installation for the ultra-hip New Majestic Hotel in which stained glass creates the feel of a forest canopy "By using geometrical shapes, colours and light based on modular grids, a textural blanket was created to reflect the intricacies of depth found in a real forest canopy," says Chong. The installation is on the ceiling of the hotel bar.

just a lil frustrated

This restaurant chain would be my current place of employment. Now I've only been working been working a couple days but I'm already becoming frustrated with it.

I know this is just a summer job and everything, but but there's been this nagging feeling that I'm meant 2 do something better...not just in this job but life in general. Like, I'm meant 2 contribute something greater 2 this world than wiping down tables and refilling drinks 4 people who give me condescending looks because they think I'm doing nothing with my life or they don't know that I'm on the way 2 a college degree.

I don't wanna come across like I'm cocky or that I think I'm better than those who've made a career of this but I know that this is not 4 me. Now I finally understand when people talk about having a job that makes U unhappy can have a negative effect on U. I'm already feeling it. I've been getting irritable and moody, 4 no good reason and it's only been a couple days!

I gotta stick with it 'cause I need this money