Lately I've been noticing that the people that I feel R closest 2 me have a difficult time trying 2 figure who I really am. Most people just think that I'm moody but as a Sociology major I think it's because I move seamlessly swing between the opposite ends of the spectrum of my personality in order 2 adapt 2 the present environment. It's gotten 2 the point where each end of the spectrum has different names. I don't have a multiple personality disorder or anything like that but I think over the years I've developed an alter ego, 4 lack of a better word.
There's Zach (which is my real name)

Now, this is who I really am
-Deeply Caring
-A little
-Fiercely Independent
-Kind hearted
-A little quirky
...And then there's Zeus

-Cold-hearted at times
-Big Partyer
-Ladies Man
-A bit of a people pleaser
Now at 1st the whole Zeus thing was just a nickname I had gotten in middle school that just stuck with me through the years. I would say that around my junior year in high school is when a persona actually started 2 develop behind the name. As a football player I really started 2 become more social and more involved in the whole popularity thing...and as a result I kinda let it get 2 my head and I started behaving in a way that I thought others would approve of or expected of me instead of following my own quirky and unique way.
It's gotten 2 the point most people don't even know the real Zach when they see it. Only the people that have been around me for years have actually been able 2 tell the difference because they R the few that have caught a glimpse of who I am inside instead of this facade of bravado and fashion that is Zeus.
2 be honest I've let this whole thing fester into my college years. It's not as bad as it was in high school but it's something I need 2 work on...SERIOUSLY!!!