
Monday, June 1, 2009

just a lil frustrated

This restaurant chain would be my current place of employment. Now I've only been working been working a couple days but I'm already becoming frustrated with it.

I know this is just a summer job and everything, but but there's been this nagging feeling that I'm meant 2 do something better...not just in this job but life in general. Like, I'm meant 2 contribute something greater 2 this world than wiping down tables and refilling drinks 4 people who give me condescending looks because they think I'm doing nothing with my life or they don't know that I'm on the way 2 a college degree.

I don't wanna come across like I'm cocky or that I think I'm better than those who've made a career of this but I know that this is not 4 me. Now I finally understand when people talk about having a job that makes U unhappy can have a negative effect on U. I'm already feeling it. I've been getting irritable and moody, 4 no good reason and it's only been a couple days!

I gotta stick with it 'cause I need this money

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