
Friday, July 31, 2009

2 Damn Old 4 That...lmao

As I'm in the computer lab doing my daily myspace and facebook update and I look a couple chairs down...Is that a…? No, it couldn’t be.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes 2 make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing, and sure enough I was. This grown ass man was sitting across from me in a black wifebeater with bright purple hickies on his chest.

I couldn’t believe it. Dude had grey hairs in his beard and looked 2 have at least 4 decades of age in his face, but there he was like a junior high all-star showing off his passion mark necklace.
By the smug and cocky look on this man’s face, it was clear that U couldn’t tell him nothin’. He got some last night (or a few nights ago) and was damn proud of it. I’m not knockin’ dude , but isn’t he a bit 2 old for hickies?

Then again, maybe he couldn’t help it. I’ve never purposely set out to give a woman a love-bite, but during the course of my travels a few have been discovered the morning after(whoops!). Some sisters just have sensitive blood vessels and lighter skin than yours truly and unfortunately I can’t relate. As a dark skinned brother, I’ve rarely been able 2 get hickies. Trust me, people back in the day have tried 2 no avail but I always gave them an A+ 4 effort.

Maybe homeboy, who was a light skinned Spanish fella, just bruises easily. Even still, I got the sense that he got off on having hickies on his chest. I mean, it was a hot day in the San Angelo but it wasn’t that hot to be wearing a low-cut wifebeater. I just think he wanted 2 show folks that he still got it in. Or maybe he didn’t even realize he was flashing his passion marks (doubt it).

Whatever the case, his lady friend sure did a number on his chest from what I could tell. (I wasn’t staring or anything but the purple spots stood out against his pale skin). She may have just been caught up in the moment, or she could be someone that literally likes 2 mark her territory. That was cool in high school, but I figure there comes a point where U grow out of that and realize hickies just suck.

Mona Lisa Made of 3,604 cups of coffee

Whoever thought of this was extremely clever and had entirely 2 much free time 2 do this

Random Thought: Fitted White Tee's

Quite frankly, I feel that that the fitted white Tee is a God-send as far as fashion is concerned.

Why do I feel this way???

Because it is the most versatile piece of clothing ever created!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Air Jordan Fusion 13...WTF!!!

When 1st heard about Fusion 13's I kinda had mixed feeling because I didn't how it would look. Now when I woke and saw the pic I almost swooned in disgust. What in the shit was MJ thinking in order 2 come up with this concoction that people call a shoe. I know that the Fusion thing has been all the rage lately but I'm sorry 2 say that the 13's are

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I'm kinda curious about something...what publishing company would be cool with that title???

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pac Div - Church League Champions Mixtape

1 of my favorite groups Pac Div's new mixtape Church League Champions is now available for mass consumption.

Icy White!!!

Once again RMKstore has the hookup, this time 3 months before the release date. Be the 1st in your hood, community, school, country, and continent with the Air Jordan 12 “Rising Sun”, 4 only one Ulysses S. Grant note above retail. $200.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Letter 2 the Former Woman of My Dreams

Dear ####,

I would've liked 2 say this in person or over the phone but I'm writing this due 2 fact that we're not on speaking terms and probably won't be 4 quite a while.

In all honesty, I'm glad that U broke up with me. This may sound odd considering how I was acting afterwards but it's true. At that time my judgement was clouded with emotion and I couldn't really see the bigger picture of our relationship or lack there of. I'm not gonna lie, I held on 2 it 4 way 2 long.

Anyways, the reason I say that I'm happy about it is because it kick started my growth as a person. 2 be honest, at 1st it really wasn't genuine, I was kind of doing it 2 see if I could get U back. Due 2 the fact that it wasn't genuine, I wasn't really growing.

Then, the best thing that could've happened, did. My trip 2 FLA really opened my eyes 2 what I want 2 do, where i want 2 be in life, and how 2 get there. That trip, along with some of with some of your wants 4 me as a man put me in a space where I wanted 2 become a better 4 me instead of somebody else. Not saying that U didn't matter but like U said I needed 2 be a little selfish and worry about "ME" instead of "US" 4 the time being.

That's when my quest 4 self-improvement truly started. Even though it's only been a couple months I'm really liking the person that I see myself becoming. And had U not broken up with me I probably would've been stuck in the same place I was. As a result of that, along with everything else that's going on in my life this summer, I'm starting 2 mature into the man that I'm meant 2 become. I feel my overall attitude is starting 2 change. At 1st, I was just happy 2 be in college, making good grades, and playing football. And your foresight, along with with a combination of my parents advice and other things have made me realize that there is more 2 the world after college is over and I'm really excited about what lies ahead of me when I get "THERE", wherever "THERE" may be.

Don't take this as me not caring about what we had or not cherishing or loving U because at 1 point in time I really did and U know that. It had even gotten 2 point where i had wanted 2 make plans 4 us after college, but that plan wasn't God's plan. After having some time 2 reflect on that with a clear mind I've realized that there are more important things at hand than love right now and we're not meant 2 handle mature love at the tender age of 20.

Who knows, U may or may not read this. We may or may not speak again. But I really want 2 say that I'm thankful 4 the brief time that GOD put U in my life and his decision 2 take U out of it in order 4 him 2 begin working on me while I'm the right place. Believe me, I know that I'm far from through but I'm glad that U helped nudge me in the right direction.

With love,

Zachary Jamal

Domestic Violence: A Disturbing Truth

It troubles me that I even have to write about this, but last night the subject of women getting abused by men came up. Thankfully, it hasn’t been anything life threatening or extremely brutal (not yet at least), but it’s troubling 2 me nonetheless.

This situation was brought 2 my attention last night when an old flame and I were exchanging pleasantries over the phone. At one point I asked how she was doing and she nonchalantly replied, “Oh, my baby's daddy punched me in the eye.”

I immediately replyed back 2 find out what led this supposed “man” 2 lay hands on her. Her response only infuriated me further. 4 the sake of clarity I'll call her "Tanya". Apparently Tanya and this person were driving in her car. She was doing him a favor by taking him 2 wherever it was he needed 2 go, but he didn’t like the way she was driving or the route she was taking and a small tiff ensued. Next thing U know Tanya felt a blow to right side of her face. He claimed it was an accident and he was flailing his hands in frustration and just happened to make contact with her face, but neither Tanya nor I believed that 4 a minute. Needless 2 say, Tanya dropped the gentleman off, went home 2 take pictures of her slightly swollen eye and filed a police report. Case pending…

At the end of the day, though, there’s no scenario that could play out in my mind where a grown ass “man” would be justified in balling up his fist and hurling it towards a woman’s face, chest, back or any other part of her body. None, except 4 his life being in eminent danger. But even then it would have 2 be an extreme case 4 it 2 sit well with me. If someone is pissing U off 2 the point where you’re on the brink of physical violence, it’s best 2 just remove yourself from the situation and person until U can cool off. But not everyone has that much sense or strength of will.

Now 2 pose the question of the rightness or wrongness of hitting a woman would be a moot point. Nah, what I’m more concerned with is how does this behavior develop in the 1st place? What makes a “man” get 2 a point where he wants 2 lay hands on a woman? Is this learned behavior? If so, how and where did his father or his father’s father get it from? In some sick way does this make a weak man feel stronger by showing his dominance over someone else? It’s all sickening 2 me.

Not 2 find fault with the victims, but I also wonder what compels a woman 2 stay with someone that’s physically abusive? From the outside looking in, it would seem like that 1 time would be enough. That at the 1st sign of abuse you’d realize this ain’t for U and you’d run 4 the hills. Or have these women also learned that this behavior is acceptable from watching their own parents fight? I’m far from being a psychologist, but perhaps some of these women have low self-esteem and believe they deserve this or can’t do any better. Whatever the case, that’s another load of BS that I can’t bare 2 deal with.

Have I ever wanted 2 lay hands on a woman? Of course, as I’m sure we’ve all been there at some point where our significant other or close friend has made U want to ring their neck, but I know better. I was raised better. I understand that at the end of the day hitting a woman (or anyone else 4 that matter) won’t make the situation any better. It won’t prove my point. It won’t make me feel better. And it most definitely won’t make me feel like a man. What makes me feel like a man is putting smiles on a woman’s face not bruises.

Let’s keep it 100% real, though, domestic abuse isn’t just physical or limited 2 only women. Emotional abuse hurts just as bad, and although it’s rarely reported, there are plenty of men that get beat on by women, too.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ping Pong Door by Tobias Franzel

A door turns into a ping pong table when U need it, Cool concept! Designed by Tobias Fränzel. U just flip the inner panel down 2 create a instant ping pong table, after the ping pong game is over, it goes back 2 being a normal door.

Canyon Crest Michael Jackson Action Figures

Mike was the greatest to ever do it, and with all the MJ memorabilia leechers out there, this is one of the freshest I’ve seen so far. Canyon Crest produced some really dope vinyl figures in likeness of MJ in Thriller and Bad.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sneaker Head

Now that's some good head...lmao

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bad Thoughts, Good Thoughts, and Everything in Between

Today has kind of been a so-so day 4 me. I didn't have 2 work 2day or work out so my day was pretty much free. 4 the 1st time in almost a month I was alone with my thoughts. And 4 a few fleeting moments I kind of missed the cuddling, the smooching and late night phone convos.

Then after considering that that was the only remotely negative thought that I had, I realized something. I pretty much got it made. I don't have any major problems right now. I look at other people situations and they're dealing with a whole lot more than I have 2. As crazy as this sounds I'm FINALLY understanding that I'm truly blessed 2 be in situation that I'm in and that things could be whole lot worse than what they are and I really have nothing 2 complain about.

Anyways, on a lighter note immediately after thought I realized that all my bros from back home are going 2 be at school with me in the fall! My bros Nigel, Nic, and Jhase...Do U know what type of foolishness is going 2 go down when all 4 of us R at the same college at the same time?!? Man I already know that this is gonna be the wildest semester I've had while in college!!! All the ASU females need 2 be on the look out 'cause the F.A.T. Boyz R on the

Nike Transformers Quickstrike Collection

The Transformer sequel has been the buzz in your local theater 4 a few weeks.
I’ve just seen a preview of the Transformer Pack in the form of the Zoom FP and Sharkalaid.

This Nike Transformers Quickstrike Collection features a silhouette done up 4 three of the characters from the movie. A yellow colorway of the Zoom FP 4 Bumblebee, the Sharkalaid 4 Soundwave, and the Zoom Flight Club 4 Megatron, complete the collection. Most unique of the Transformer II Pack is probably the transparent shroud on the Megatron version of the Zoom Flight Club.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Random Rant

Lately, things have gotten a little monotonous so I figured that I would just discuss some random things that've crossed my mind lately.

-It seems like 80-90% of the people around me smoke weed except me and my roommate

-I'm growing my facial hair out so I can get a chinstrap goatee

-Tryna pay 4 these car window is seriously killin' the extra money I had

-Missin' my family and my bros back home

-I actually started goin' back 2 church

-The kid finally hit 250 pounds...but I'm more cut tho...can anybody say 1st-team all-conference???

-4 some reason I've been doin OJ da Juiceman ad-libs 4 like the last 2 weeks

-I realize that I'm grown, but I'm not a grown ass man yet

-Surprisingly, I'm feeling a little apathetic about football season

-Most women either think that I'm extra fine or ugly as's never been in the middle

-I'm in the mood 2 cuddle right now...lmao...a little bit of affection doesn't hurt every now and then

-Black & Mild smoke has absolutely NO effect on me

-Where are the females at???...I been around nothing but my teammates this whole summer

-3 or 4 people at my job R on the verge of gettin' they ass whooped!!!

-I wanna go on another vacation 2 D.C./Maryland

-Back in high school I was hooper...don't let it fool U, I could get 20 and 10

-Finally got my 360 them boys

-I hope I become at least half the man that my daddy is

-How am I 20 and still growing...I just found out that I'm 6'2", when 1st got 2 college I was 5'11"

-I need 2 step my fitted game up 'cause I been slippin' lately

And that will conclude my random rant.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Super Random

Last night I dreamed I ate a big ass marshmallow, and when I woke up the pillow was gone. Was it a coincidence or....