Whenever things are bothering and I start 2 feel overwhelmed I go 2 my secret spot and just think...I've never told anybody where it's at and I doubt if I ever will...the isolation and solidarity of this place gives a chance 2 take a step away from the hustle and bustle of the life of a 20 year old fly guy/college athlete and analyze what's going on in the complicated maze that is my mind.
Why am I speaking of this place that sacred 2 me and my sanity?!?
Because I felt that the last 2 weeks have warranted a visit last night...and you know what I found out while I was there???
Seriously though, I really blew this whole ordeal WAY outta proportion because in the grand scheme of things my women problems are not really that important.
Besides that one situation my life is pretty damn good...I'm a young, successful, educated, smart and athletic black man...with a wonderful family and my bros 2 support me. What more can i ask for???
Just because my romantic life isn't where I want it 2 be doesn't meant that it's the end of the world
:D cool