
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Converse and Crooks & Castles Tee

These Converse r simple but dope.

This Tee is complicated and dope.

So what do U get when you but them together???

A live ass outfit!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

No Glove, No Love!!!

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see how sex without a condom can even be an option. Unfortunately, I grew up (and continue to grow) in an era where HIV/AIDS and other STD/STI are gruesome realities. As far as I’m concerned, wearing a rubber is just part of the process. No glove, no love is the philosophy I stand and live by because no piece of ass is worth my life. That’s why it always bugs me out when I hear people say they don’t use condoms in 2009. Aside from the lost souls that just don’t care, it’s actually people in committed relationships I hear sidestepping protection the most.

Now, I won’t even lie and say I never-ever-ever dipped my Chick-O-Stick in the honey jar 4 a few seconds/strokes just to “see what it feels like,” but that was in my dumb days. My thinking was usually either, “Oh, she’s on the pill” or “One or two quick strokes won’t hurt.” Even then, though, the thought of 1 of my little soldiers getting past enemy lines scared me shitless and I quickly ceased and desisted any further progress without my protective helmet firmly in place. After 1 particularly scary “incident,” I left that game of Russian roulette completely alone. Only a fool repeats the same mistake twice, so it’s a condom 4 me 100 % of the time committed relationship or not.

Truth be told, I probably wear a condom even after I’m married. It’s not that I think my future wife might cheat or vice versa, but I don’t want to have sex raw until I’m ready 2 have kids. It might sound weird to some, but I’d like to build a solid foundation 4 my marriage first b4 becoming a parent. Adding on titles of mommy and daddy 2 soon can just make that transition even harder. That’s not to say if my wife got pregnant earlier than we planned I’d be upset or think my marriage was doomed 4 failure, it’s just that I’d like to have a year or 2 enjoying the honeymoon stage 1st. That’s my plan, but who knows what God has in store 4 me and my future Mrs. My perfect match might already be a mother or I could get caught out there with a premarital seed of my own (condoms are not 100 %) but only time will tell.

In a perfect world, sex wouldn’t require a thin layer of rubber between partners. It would be a natural act between a man and woman in love with the sole purpose of procreating. Of course, a child wouldn’t come from each encounter, but if a life were spawned from your physical union it would be a welcomed blessing. There also wouldn’t be concern for any venereal diseases because all couples would be monogamous. Well, this isn’t a “perfect” world and the above rarely happens. Humans are one of the few species that fornicate 4 recreation, which means baby-making is the last thing on the average person’s mind when they’re bumpin’ and grindin’.

Let’s be completely real here; how many people reading this right now would actually want 2 have a child by every single person they’ve ever slept with? Not many. He/she might be great in bed or extremely sexy, but lacking some key qualities you’d expect from a lifelong partner and co-parent. Chances are there’s a very short list of viable candidates for Father/Mother of the Year in anyone’s black book. So the question is why have unprotected sex with someone U would never want to have a child with? So what she’s on the pill. U can still catch an STD/STI. Yeah, right, the condom doesn’t fit. Stop lying to yourself, buddy. I’m sure it probably does feel better raw, but I’m not curious enough to test that theory without some paperwork, blood work and a ring on both our fingers.

Protection isn’t perfect but it’s a smart start.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I just wanna send a happy birthday shout out 2 my smoochy face :-) , Crystal Jelysa. U already know the deal between us and it's a complex thing but it's OUR thing. I wish U a Happy 20th bday with many more 2 come, Loserhead!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I done hit the da club in a throwback...

4 some reason throwback fitteds have been catching my eye lately. IDK, I guess the old school nostalgia and history of each team is why I've liking them so much lately. I would like 2 show y'all my top 3 throwback fitteds of all-time.

3. Here we have the 1995 Minnesota Timberwolves. I would like 2 think of this as the Kevin Garnett era fitted.
2. The 1970's era New York is icey because of the simplicity and old school JETS symbol.

3. Last but not least we have the 1995 NBA All-star game fitted. This is my favorite fitted of all-time. As u can tell it commemerates the fact the game was in Pheonix, Arizona with the old school SUNS colorway.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Austin, Texas

Say bro the kid thinking about making that move back 2 the city 4 a couple days. Just 2 get away from San Angelo 4 a minute. I want 2 be back on 6th with my bros and chill and catch boppas just 2 pass the time. BOPPER GAME!!! Maybe even do a little shopping downtown on West Campus. I just wanna kick it with my family and play with my little cousins.

Man, enough of this complaining. I just gotta suck it up and get ready 4 this FLA trip 'cause it's about 2 be SO LIVE!!! 5 days in Disney World on my own with 600 other college kids! I know that it's sort of a business trip but do U know the kind of foolishness that is gonna go down???

Can anyone say BOPPER GAME?!? lol

So if I don't post anything between the 22nd and 27th it's because I didn't have any internet access or I'm busy doing something way more

SUPRA TK Society

You’ve probably been hearing the hype surrounding Terry Kennedy’s new signature SUPRA shoe - believe it. The shoe is an extremely dope hi-top with 2 ankle straps - available in a perforated leather or suede. Pick them up now at EASTWESTWORLDWIDE b4 they’re gone. $145

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bored 2 tears in San Angelo, TX

Man the semester has only been over 4 a couple days and I'm already about 2 lose my mind in this little ass town!!! The kid is ready 2 make that move back 2 Austin.

U wanna know why???

-I can't work out, cause the Junnell center is closed till 5PM.

-My job doesn't start till after my FLA trip.

-And 2 top it off barely anybody's still here.

So I really don't have anything 2 blog about. I'm just killing time. So anybody who knows me get at me...It'll b greatly appreciated. Besides I won't be doin' anything other than watchin New Jack City.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I just want 2 say that I'm very thankful 4 Ms. Lawanda Ann P#####. I don't think I could ever re-pay you 4 all of the good that you've done in my life... Happy Mother's Day Mama, Love ya

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Work Hard, Play @ the pic

Where do I begin?

Me and my bros went out last nite. I really didn't have a choice in the matter though because I couldn't kick it wit my best friend 'cause that nigga stays booed up and I'm not tryna be a 3rd wheel. So it was either go out wit my bros or stay at the room and ppl know I'm not gonna stay at the room.

We did the usual pre-game thing and afterward went 2 this hole-in-the- wall called Grahams. It was actually pretty fun, but I think that influence of alcohol had something 2 do wit Anyways, going' out with just my bros felt a little unfamiliar at 1st because I hadn't done it in a while, but I quickly adjusted and became the social butterfly that I used 2 be, hopping from 1 conversation or dance 2 the next.

Last night kind of set the precedent 4 2nite, apparently this group of females called SWAG is throwin' a little shin-dig with a dress 2 impress theme. I'm not one 2 brag but this is where I'm at my best because I really take pride in my appearance almost 2 the point of narcissism. My ex even called my a pretty boy. But I plan on stepping out with a red cardigan sweater, some shrink-to-fit Levi 501's, classic Chuck Taylor's and what I like 2 call the "nerd goggles". I think it's simple but still fashionable at the same time.

Though I'm going out and partying and dealing with other situations, I'm doing a good job of staying on top of my grades and classes and I'm proud of myself 4 that because had all of this went on last year I probably would have gotten distracted. As a freshman last year I got so caught up in living the college life that I put everything else on the back burner including grades and football, but after I got my head right and realized what my priorities were I really buckled down and took care of business. This semester and year has been my best grade wise and I'm not letting anything stop me from getting that.

My daddy always told me that I would become a great man some day, and I plan on making him right!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm done

I can't stop hurting people!!! Not physically but's not intentional but it looks that way right now...maybe i need 2 just get away 2 avoid this...

Punch Out

Anybody ever see how fuckin' hard it is 2 beat Mike Tyson on his old video game "Punch Out" on Nintendo. The shit's damn near impossible!!! FUCK!!!

Brighter Days

In all honesty, I'm taking this break up shit better than I thought. I knew I wouldn't have a meltdown like last time but I didn't know that I would be so cool with it.

Does the fact that it doesn't affect me as much mean that I didn't care??? No, I do care it's just that there were a lot of deep and undiscussed issues that were going on. That was really the deal breaker, she had issues with me and I had issues with her and after a while it became 2 much 4 us 2 handle in order 2 have a successful relationship. And as bad as it sounds I kind of saw this coming.

And a few people have said that I'm lingering on it 2 much. "Bitch, fuck you I can cope however i damn well please."

This time around I was finally able 2 vent 2 people about my situation. I was able 2 scream, yell, get angry, emotional, talk shit; whatever I needed 2 do get this off of my back they let me do it and it felt so good. 4 the 1st time I truly prayed about my relationship situation and I was told that God has a plan and that plan may not include her and after reading that it became easier 2 accept.

I talked 2 my mama about the situation and she told that it seems like I'm more comfortable in being in a relationship because of the stability of it and the fact that everything in my life has been stable has really influenced that. In all honesty, she's right. I grew up in a loving home with both parents who were and are still happily married and had no financial issues.

In the end, that is what i want 4 myself in the future, I want what my parents have. Not exactly but my own version of it. I want a best friend, a partnership, 50/50, equality. I don't want 2 have 2 deal with power struggles. It shouldn't be about that. It should be about us working 2gether 4 the greater good of our relationship and family.

Sometimes it felt like I couldn't be real about things. Like 4 instance, I'm a big shit talker; I crack jokes, ride on people, etc. Sometimes it can misconstrued as being mean but that's just how I am. And it felt like I had 2 hold back in fear of upsetting her with something I said about someone because whenever i did she would always try 2 quiet me down or whatever.

IDK...I guess I'm just still venting... it's only been 2-3 days. Even though I say all of this, I'll be honest and say that I have a lot of internal stuff 2 work on b4 I can think about jumping back into a relationship. Sometimes I don't know if I'm really built 4 a relationship because my true interactions with females my age involves a lot of shit talking whether that be playful or not and it can be taken the wrong way.

Anyways I gotta a lot of good stuff going on in my life. I gotta trip 2 Florida coming' up in the next couple weeks, my family is good and I just got a job, and I'm beginning 2 better myself 4 me, not 4 the sake of someone else and it's liberating 2 know that.

What do y'all think about my siuation???

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Man Crush!!!

Though it is very random i feel that is very necessary 2 let the world know that I have a man crush on Keri Lynn Hilson. I always thought she was just a cutie that could sing when she came out with 'Turnin' me On" with Wayne, but after seeing that video "Knock You Down", all I could say was "OOO girl"...lmao

I can't help it she is gorgeous and has exactly the kind of swag I look for in a lady. I know swag is cliche' now but I couldn't think of a better word. Before i digress, i must say that SHE CAN GET IT!!!

Compliment or not???

Random ASU student: Say nigga since U done cut yo hair U look like uh...muthafuckin uh...dat nigga EDDIE MURPHY!!!

Me: Um...ok. Thanks...I guess
(1st thought: Did this nigga actually say that I look like Eddie Murphy. Do me a HUGE favor and kill yourself...twice...lmao)

back on da scene!!!

In times like these it's easy to get knocked off course and feel less than secure about the direction of your future. You've just got 2 get back in touch with your inner person and get ready to take on the world again.

With that being said I am no longer a part of the couple scene. Me and my lady have decided 2 call it quits 4 good. I know a lot of people are happy 2 hear that but whatever. Nobody needs 2 worry about me because I'm not gonna have a melt down like last time, probably because i was mentally preparing myself 4 it. It's still gonna hurt a little because my feelings were true.

But 1 thing she said 2 me that struck a chord was that she saw a lack of ambition. When i heard that i was taken aback. I never grew up knowing what i wanted 2 do in life until recently. Before that I was just a hard working student and an athlete. I'm assuming that my ambition wasn't evident due 2 the fact that i hadn't discovered my niche in life until recently and hadn't really talked about it 2 anybody.

Anyway it's 2 late 4 that because I'm single now. As far relationships go, that shit is gonna be a no go 4 a while. I just don't want 2 deal with the emotional consequences of giving yourself 2 someone and not having it work out in the end. I'm not gonna allow myself 2 get hurt. Of course I'll date around and kick it with a fair share of females casually because that's just how I am, i love being in the company of beautiful women. But, getting serious with somebody is the last thing on my mind. My romantic heart is shut down 4 repairs right now

I don't want people 2 think that she hurt me because that wasn't the case. Whenever you have a relationship that ends of course it's gonna hurt, if you really cared about it. she just did what was best 4 her and I'm glad she did It now than be unhappy in the future. One thing that troubles me though is that I can make someone so unhappy and not even know it; and i take pride on making the ones closest 2 me happy.

With all that being said, i know that I'll bounce from it, and ladies watch out when that

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Scream your head off!!!

Have you ever had the almost undeniable urge 2 just fuckin' scream on somebody??? Not like yell at somebody; i mean like a Steven Tyler from aerosmith kind of scream like "GET THE FUCK OFF MY CASE!!!"
Well I must say that i feel like that right about now...dueces

'09 Football

Man I know that it's only May and we just got done with spring football but 4 some reason I just have the urge 2 be in a game. In all honesty I feel like '09 is gonna be my breakout season. I know that sounds dumb when I say that because I've been starting since I got here but I think that by the time the season is over my name is gonna be known around that conference; not as an all-state player who has underachieved since he got 2 college but as difference maker, a ball player, someone you can count on 2 make a play when the team really needs it.
I know I have a lot of doubters due 2 the fact that I'm only 6'1" 245 and playing DE. I am playing out of position but who is 2 say that I can't be all-conference, all-region, or even all-american. I'm gonna keep working hard over the summer and hopefully if God sees fit y'all will be seeing my name in the draft after I leave Angelo St. in about 2 years.

Now a 20 year old fly guy!!!

Man my birthday came and went and I feel exactly the same. I don't know, I thought reaching the 2 decade mark would feel different than all the other birthdays.
On the brighter side of things, I'm still thankful that I got another year 2 spend with my family, another year of good health and another year 2 become a better person. Hopefully there are many more come...

Get da fuck outta here!!!

You expect me 2 piss in bucket and drink it...that's a no go. I don't care if it can take the color and flavor out...piss is still piss. LMAO!!!